Careful what you wish for there, Bobster. We Wendy/ie's are not known for our subtlety (except, of course, in our deep and meaningful lyric writing). If my posts have been known to blister the cyberpaint, I'm a mild-mannered lambykin compared to the evil genius of Ms. Ip. And if I know the girl, when she says it will be her "best show ever," you can take that to the bank with ya, bub. I mean, Bob. In solidarwendity, Wendie >>>From: Aye Jamie, except I didn't read it that way at all. Having said that, it would be easier to digest such self-aggrandizement if the artist ever posted anything to the forum OTHER than self-promotion. At least R. Stevie Moore enters into debate from time to time. And he's pretty funny too. Bob (best guitar player in the best Pistols tribute band EVER - The Spots).