At Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:39:35 Bruce wrote: >What on *earth* is the problem w/ all these young bands on major labels(or >large indies for that matter....)?! it's been almost TWO years since >they >recorded that album(okay, maybe 20 months) and they are only now just going >in to record the follow up. > >Which wil take many months to record, many months *more* than it should. >And then more months to get the follow up slated w/ the label's promotion >schedule and then trickle on out. Becoming easily 2 1/2 years since they >finished the first one. > >Shee. No wonder 'that guy' (sic) in the Onion lost interest. ;-) > >Rooney who? It's not like the funds aren't there to record this one >sooner...... 1) Band blew load (artistically) on first record.....25 years to write the debut, three months to write the follow-up. 2) Band's been on the road so there's no time to write. 3) Record label has to decide whether they still a) exist b) give a fuck c) have the dough 4) Major labels still haven't figured out that albums has a 12 week life span....which dates right back to the Beatles. Get a new album out BEFORE the audience a) gets bored b) forgets about you c) forgets they're bored. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia