Sloan has been one of my favorite current bands for a long time now. So, I finally bought ACTION PACT. My preconceptions: I knew it was going to be a more rocking album and I knew people seem to have mixed opinions but in general was highly regarded. My thoughts on Sloan are that they make great records, that can sound a bit disjointed from song to song but still work for the most part. This is, I believe in part, per having four song writers and going for different styles of songs. As they've stretched, the last few discs had a few songs that didn't work so well, to my ears. Thus, the highs often are very high and a few of the lows are, while not unlistenable, are unmemorable to me. My impression after only one listen (this impression may change): This is a very cohesive sounding disc, more then any other Sloan disc. Which is both it's strength and it's weakness, to my ears. Per, while it is clearly still Sloan, to my ears it's the least Sloan sounding disc since SMEARED. This is, in part, per the songs having a much more rocking sound throughout but even more so, something about the production (I can't pretend to describe the production differences as well as many of you are able). I see that this is the first time they have used an outside producer. The songs, despite being "rocking" have a tighter, almost more "professional" sound to them. Thus, my initial impression is the songs sound great and fit great together but perhaps are a bit less unique in some ways (closer to sounding like some other current bands). While being a rock album, to my ear's surprise, they sound less spontaneous and fun somehow to prior rockers (compare these songs to the rockers on Navy Blues). Sloan rockers in the past often have a fun almost trashy quality. It's as subtle difference but that's my take. I don't mean this as a knock on them at all. I like the fact that they are trying new things and I don't think change is a bad thing. In fact, I'm guessing this album will rate higher for me then Between the Bridges and likely even Pretty Together. It honestly makes me even more curious what the next one will sound like. Thoughts anyone? I always like here is mine. Anyone else care to share? 1-3 are very close. 1) Navy Blues 2) One Chord to Another 3) Twice Removed 4) Pretty Together 5) Between the Bridges (a fall off from the pack) 6) Smeared (Not even in the ball park of the others) (I'll leave Action Pact off for now and the live disc) Steve D. PS: If any of you male Canadians are still reading, do they have urinals manufactured by the company "Sloan" in Canada? In the US, there is and it's always an unique moment of "name recognition" for me. best, Steve D