Not wanting to repeat the comments of others, but if you buy an Epiphone you might want to make a small investment in new machine heads. Every recent Epi I've seen (including the Casino I own!) has poor heads and you may have recurring tuning problems. --- Barry Schlom > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 8:02 AM > To: AUDITIES@SMOE.ORG > Subject: Questions for guitar players > > > > > > 1. Do any of you play either Epiphone Les Paul, Epiphone Flying V or > Epiphone Firebird ?? Am thinking of purchasing a new guitar but trying to > garner positive/negative comments before I splash the cash. I really fancy > a Flying V, but not sure of their durability/comfort of playing. I play > loud rock rhythm guitar if that is any help. I don't wanna end up trying > something out in a shop, thinking it's fine, then wishing a couple of > months later that I hadn't bothered!