One of my favorite bands in Austin is headed west for their first tour in California. They need a little bit of help. If anyone can help them with places to stay, you can contact the band at Thanks, Jennifer California Tour August 1 – 8 This Friday is rapidly approaching and Household Names is gearing up and finalizing all the little details before our California tour.  We are very happy to announce that we have picked up Clay from Friends of Lizzy as a temporary fourth member.  Clay will be playing some keys and guitar for us throughout the tour.  You can also catch Clay in action with his band, Friends of Lizzy, this Friday night at STUBB’s in Austin, TX. We are still looking for a few places to possibly spend the night along our journey.  If you are in the L.A. area and wouldn’t mind housing four musicians for a night, please drop us a line.  In compensation for your generosity Jason will do your dishes, Chris can vacuum, and C. J. can mow your lawn.  Clay can give you a back rub while all these chores are being carried out.  Regardless, if you’re in the L.A. or San Fran area send us an e-mail, and we’ll contact you directly regarding the show. We are still finalizing gigs as this e-mail is being sent.  You can expect some additional shows in UC Davis, L.A., Berkeley, and possibly El Paso, TX.  Here are the dates we have finalized. 8.1 - Stanton, CA Summerfest 12:30 PM IPO Showcase 8.5 - San Francisco, CA The Parkside 8:30 PM IPO Showcase 8.5 - San Francisco, CA Red Devil Lounge 11:30 PM More CA dates TBA!  Household Names Blending the melodic ease of seventies-era Paul McCartney with the semisweet edge of Elvis Costello, the youthful exuberance of Weezer and the DIY ethic of Guided By Voices (Jason, Chris, and C. J.) _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!