7/25 day - The show opened with a nice set from our Kerry Kompost. Kerry songwriting has really matured in the past year. He played one of my favs of his, One Summer Sunday. The Relative were pretty cool, kind of a garage pop band. They did cool cover of "I want you back" (not the Michael Jackson version). Vestals had some songs with nice harmonies yet some of the XTC quirkiness. Folen did asolultely nothing for me, not sure what I would even classify them as certainly not pop, no hooks or harmonies. Griddle was pretty much prog. Deluxe Leisure King did a nice power pop set. They were my favorite of the show. I picked up their new cd. 7/25 eve - Due a couple of cancellations, David gave the Vestals and Deluxe Leisure King slots on the evening show. The night opened up with a solo set from Don Mogill. He played stripped down versions of tunes from Dawn of the Dons. Mike Ruekberg played a karioke set. He did have a band so he played to backing track. What at great voice and very funny guy. For his last tune he called " Hot Bitches in Heat" ala AC/DC. Everyone was in hysterics. The Adjustments sounded alot like Chicago, with all the horns. The World Record put on a nice set, some Fleetwood Mac influences going on there. The Flair was glam, pretty fun. See you at the next show Cathy