At Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 17:17:18 Ralph wrote: >hahahahaaa.... hey - that's MY wife!!!! what is WITH the Nickelback thing?? She likes Nickelback too? Yikes! As Sharon explains it to me, the drop "D" guitar signature effects a certain part of the, er, female anatomy when cranked up full-blast. That and something about misogynist lyrics that she finds endearing in bad boys. >i think it's great.... I trust her opinion always >when it comes to the radio rock barometer >is if I hate it and she likes it - it will be successful.... :) >for radio rock, that is.... > >the best is when i bring home something or a demo >comes in that we have actually both been looking >forward to and, if it stinks... we both look at each other >right away with that "this is bad, isn't it?" look.... >hahahaaaa.... classic..... > >yeah.... the road trip situation can be a bit of give and take.... >hahahaaaa....... we usually sort it out via the middle ground.... >Dino or Frank..... hahahaaa...... can't go wrong.... I actually respect my wife's musical taste....but that doesn't mean I have to like. As Segarini once sang -- I like the Beatles, my baby like the Stones. In fact, I'm going with her to see Bryan Adams & Colin James next Saturday. It's the only way we seem to be able to spend anytime together without the kids these days. I actually like Colin the night only be HALF painful :-) Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia