> Mal also claimed to have co-written "Fixing A > Hole".... Didn't Mal Evans also claim to have written "Yesterday", "Eleanor Rigby" and "Rain" as well? I _think_ I read this in one of the thousands of Beatle books my wife has accumulated over the years (much to my dismay and, yes, resentment). Does anyone else have a spouse/significant other/lifepartner who loves a band that you hate? I had a girlfriend back in college who was a huge Simply Red fan; to this day, I abhor Simply Red (or Pimply Dead, as I used to call them; this actually led to our breaking up, if I recall; what a lying bitch!). My wife loves Beatles more than she loves life, itself. Her pride and joy is a coffee-stained scrap of napkin autographed by Sir Paul himself; sometimes, when she is extra annoying, I ponder its value on eBay, and wonder what she'd do -- kill herself, kill me, kill our pre-teenage daughter Hannahbarbara, have a grand mal seizure -- if I actually sold her precious little scrap right out from under her fallen arches. I'm sure she'd swoon over one of George Harrison's gallstones if she could find a set on eBay. I love her, but it really can make for some tense, uncomfortable, too-quiet-around-the-dinner-table moments. Not that I hate Beatles, mind you, but, I mean, really, how many times can you listen to "Hey Jude" or the _awful_, overplayed "Old Brown Shoe" before you scream "Enough already!"? I wish I could be in Silverlake for the Dukes of Stratosphear reunion -- congratulations to Dave Bash for pulling off this remarkable feat. Tam NP: Dokken, "Under Lock and Key" __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail