Anyone going to see the Counting Crows tomorrow (7/21) at Merriweather in Columbia MD, be sure to swing by 9:32 where I will be DJing all evening long. 9:32 was created by 9:30 club owners and current Merriweather promoters as a sort of 9:30 backbar facility for people going to shows out there. Since the beginning of the year I've had the fortunate opportunity to become part of the 9:30 club DJ roster. I've DJed several shows including Super Diamond, Starsailor, The Decemberists, Rooney, etc. One of the things I enjoy most is getting the chance to slip into my sets local favs (Splitsville, Cliff Hillis, The Frauds) and artist which deserve wider recognition (The Bigger Lovers, De Novo Dahl, Mood Elevator). Anyways if you are planning on going to Counting Crows be sure to seek out 932 and say hi... I'm always on the lookout for new records to include in my DJ sets. Past DJ sets can be found at I also recently launched a live365 station at Thanks for listening Chris