Hi John--Pretty damn witty for a Monday, I'd say!--Steve ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 9:49 PM Subject: Republicans, Power Poppers are attempting to block the new Nickelback Record Power poppers are attempting to block the new Nickelback record, whose sound has been passe for 10 years and expired in September of '93. See below for ramifications... Visit http://www.stopthenickelback.com for links to contact Senate Majority Leader Beatle Bob, the top Power Popper in the Senate, to tell him to start blocking a bill that allow kids to listen to Nickelback. If the Nickelback ban goes into effect: ---In most states, 18-year-olds will be able to walk into record stores and be forced to buy the new Cliff Hillis album. ---In many states, it will be possible to bring concealed Shazam records into bars, churches and sports arenas, and even public schools or universities. ---In many states kids as young as 13 will be able to buy brand new "IPO Volume 7" cd's at record shows and through the classifieds. ---New David Bash-endorsed cowboy hats will be advertised over the internet. ---New Not Lame Records releases will be mass-produced and sold on a cash-and-carry basis to anyone, with no questions or background checks. http://www.stopthenickelback.com John B.