At Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 15:23:27 Bob wrote: >let me see if I've got this straight... >Lyrics written as an afterthought. >Sound more important than musical structure. >Production techniques more important than melody/chord changes... >uhh...*cough*...*choke*...HACK...*cough*...sorry, sounds like fanboy >wannabe >falls in with right crowd, lives dream life, makes guys like me nuts... Yeah, kinda like Phil Spector....he was always about the "sound" and presentation and never stopped once to realize that he HAD some songs under all that sludge. Sorry if this pisses of the Spectorphiles, but the guy did nothing but ruin what amounted to be pretty straight-up pop songs with his "wall of ego". Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia