<< It maybe more correct in the future to say that bands like The Raspberries, Cheap Trick, Badfinger, aren't so much Beatles sounding, but actually Martinesque. >> (Jaimie) You know, I think this is an absolutely brilliant observation. One need only compare the Beatles' Decca audition version of "Money" to what they cooked up eighteen months later for "With The Beatles" to hear the impact of Sir George M. on the band's arrangements, sound, and Lennon and McCartney's (early) songwriting in particular (ie: how he would guide John and Paul's simple chorus-and-first-verse-only ideas into full-blown gems). Sure, a producer's usually only as "good" as the rough material s/he's given to work with, and with The Beatles one was obviously working with absolute genius. But when no less an expert as Ian MacDonald writes (regarding the "She Loves You" session) that "there were no passengers in this group and, when a situation warranted it, their drive to achieve was unanimous," hopefully he's including in this statement the indisputable contributions of that one man in the driver's seat, George Martin. "Discuss," Gary "NP: Raspberries Rarities (btw, has ANYONE out there got a complete track listing for this disc??!)" Pig