Arthur wrote: As for the Alanis/BNL tour, another reason to go is because the opener is Nellie McKay (at least I think she's on the whole tour). Michael gushes: She should be worth the admission ticket alone. I drove my local record store guy nuts by preordering her album for a couple months before the release date. I love this album. There really wasn't much for me to add that others on this list have already said because her music is that wonderful. The Emenim meets Doris Day reference is a bit of a stretch because I feel like I'm listening to Randy Newman. From what little that I saw of her performing "David" on the piano without a band on CNNfn's "The Music Room" was great. That was also the same show where I learned that her name is pronounced almost like a Hawaiian word "Ma-Kai (ky)" instead of the everyday McKay. None of us on the radio here have said that she isn't from Hawaii yet because it seems that a lot of our listeners assume that she is a local artist. If she gets a video on MTV soon - our jig is over. Oh yeah, Arthur, I had to finally break down after a few months and purchase her CLEAN EDIT version of the double disc. Now I have two copies of the same album. One in the car - one at home. Aloha, Michael "Staying Out Of The Jeff Lynne Argument" McCartney KEAO / KONI / KPMW now playing: "Lift Me Up" - Jeff Lynne