And if you could take a video camera along and video tape it, I would be totally psyched as well!!!!!! Mark Hershberger Brian Kassan wrote: Just got this email from Self (Matt Mahaffey) and thought it would be of interest to Los Angeles residents or anyone who might make the trek: - newsletter HELLO...... i know most of you don't live in los angeles. however, i must inform you that i, matt mahaffey, am playing with the Dukes Of Silverlake at Spaceland on July 27th. we are a Dukes Of Stratosphear (XTC side-project from the mid- eighties) cover band will be performing the "25 o'clock" e.p. in all it's glory splendor. The band consists of myself, jason faulkner, various members of the 88. we'll all be playing musical chairs throughout the set no one instrument will be touched by the same hands twice! this truly is a marvel of catastrophic preportions not to be missed! so, if you're an XTC fan or a friend of one, i suggest you crawl out from your rock. THANK YOU *mm. I am totally psyched to see this! Brian --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.