This is certainly a more than worthwhile tour :-). I went to the Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland shows -- each show just gets better and better. In Portland, Neil apologized for not being able to play more requests because they now have 25 years of material between them. In Portland, they did play part of the old Enz nugget, Sweet Dreams, upon request as well as Suffer Never (from the previous FB record) and the new FB tune, Gentle Hum, made sublime with a full humming audience :-). I definitely left still wanting more and there's 1 more show to go for me on Aug 4th in Austin TX. It's the last date of the North American tour. It's a treat to be able to see the first and last shows of this tour. They're playing a bunch of UK dates in November (go to for more info). I'm enjoying the new songs available from iTunes but it's always the icing on the cake to see them live. The current touring band is amazing (even Neil's youngest son, Elroy, makes an appearance onstage during 1 or 2 songs and the light show is done by Neil's wife, Sharon). If you're sitting on the fence about seeing them, get off the fence and buy your tickets now ! Cheers, Jennifer _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now!