--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, Dave Seaman wrote: > > <<< I personally believe that if not for Partsy's stagefright, the band > would have been big in USA...ah well...>>> > > Ya know, seeing XTC live is a big dream of mine that I'm sure will never > happen. What a shame. But just think of it - a big budget production with > Andy, Dave Gregory, Colin Moulding, a great drummer, and perhaps a > keyboardist or two with backing vocals - doing songs spanning their career. > It would be a show to top all shows, in my book! It is a shame that their touring days ended way to soon... I was lucky enough to see them back in the day. They warmed up for The Police. Yes, I was into both bands but was much more excited to see XTC. They were very good. Andy had this nervous hyper stage manner that was apparently more a part of his being then I dared to imagine. Oh, well, I guess we'll always have Sting. That may have been the darkest thing I've ever written. ;) Steve D NP: Lost Dogs "Gift Horse"