Jamie- Here's a great place to check out for vinyl mastering. They do it all! and been doin' it for 40 years or so. 7", 10", and 12". http://www.unitedrecordpressing.com/ Dang, they even do coloured vinyl! Special this month on Sunshine Yellow vinyl! Ya know who would sound good on vinyl (again)? The Kings! yeaahhh, baby. ...funny thing, too.... I just had a student come into me with some records she inherited from Aunt Griselda, and the one she picked out of the pile to bring in? The Kings Are Here... I told her to hide that thang - where I'm from, people would kill ya fer that thang. Mannnnn, I'm curious what yer thinkin' about puttin' out on vinyl... anyways, go check 'em out, you'll be thrilled. -mike wiz