--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Pally" wrote: > Hi > Here is some pretty unexplored stuff: > > 2) Ricci Martin "Beached" (1977) Laid back pop with a touch Beach Boys. Was > produced by Carl Wilson. He even co-wrote 1 song. This one has certainly been explored by me! I love this album! Ricci is, I believe, the youngest son of Dean Martin. I remember seeing this album not long after it was released at Korvettes department store in northern New Jersey, and thinking "wow, this looks really cool, and some of the Beach Boys appear on it!", but not buying it that day. When I saw The Beach Boys in Central Park a couple of weeks later, on September 1, 1977, Ricci Martin opened for them. He was excellent, and I went out and bought the album the next day (a 19th birthday present to myself). I'm really surprised CBS in Japan hasn't re-released this album on CD. Given all the other CBS albums from the '70s they've reissued during the past few years, along with the Dean Martin and Beach Boys connections, you'd think they'd have been all over that one! For a long time I used to wonder if I was the only person who had records in my collection by Ricci Martin, Dino Martin (with Dino, Desi, and Billy), but *not* Dean. This changed when I bought the Dean Martin Capitol Collectors Series CD, but it kinda made me chuckle for awhile. -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David