Popboomerang News Hey Guys! Been a while between updates so please read on for all the news. Shake Yer Popboomerang Volume 2 Reviews of the album are flowing in an very positive, here are some snippets below You can snare the album from your usual pop mailorder stores as well as cdbaby. Key Quotes "This disc is much more vital than Triple J Unearthed can ever hope to be." Nathan D www.ozmusicproject.net "You read a lot about pop experiencing a re-birth and all that crap. Fact is, it never goes away, and good on Popboomerang for taking the trouble to shine a light with their zealous enthusiasm." The Barman www.i94bar.com "The Popboomerang compilations are CDs you can really get behind. The standards are high, and you're bound to discover a few bands that you'll actually do work to seek out. Always a treat" Claudio Sossi Shake It Up Fanzine Canada June 04 "This up-and-coming Aussie label is making a compelling case that the land of Oz is to great pop bands what Hollywood is to plastic surgeons and the Bush administration is to rank incompetence." Mike Bennet www.fufkin.com June 04 New Mailorder Titles Dom Mariani - Homespun Blues and Greens $14usa Recorded in Perth and the US, this debut long player was mixed by long-time collaborator and producer Mitch Easter (REM, Let's Active) at his Fidelitorium Studio in Kenersville, North Carolina. Self produced and recorded with the help of close musical friends, Homespun Blues And Greens is the debut Dom Mariani fans have been waiting for. From the brass driven opener Homespun Blues, the latin tinged pop of Make the Leap, the rootsy slide of Out of Reach, the catchy, power pop elegance of tracks like Yuri, Busride and Cold Cup, Beatlesque stylings on Prove right through to the album's haunting closer When it Ends. Homespun Blues and Greens is a soulful mix of pop and rock, touching on more personal themes while always staying true to the music and sounds Dom has created over the years. It sees an artist who through a 20-year career has come full circle to create a debut of lasting impact. With a voice which has become more self assured and characteristic over the years, Dom Mariani's progression from band leader to solo artist can only further consolidate his position as one of Australia's most enduring proponents of guitar pop. The Suits: International School Of Dance EP $7usa The debut 5 track EP 'International School of Dance' from young Melbourne band The Suits embodies everything that is great and timeless about guitar/power pop. Crunching guitars and soaring harmonies abound in this recording, yet this is no slavish retro project - there's enuff modern bite and spark in this Wayne Connolly produced (Starky, The Vines, You Am I) recording to mark the Suits as a band to watch. Prettymess: Surface Glow EP (5 tracks) $6usa Prettymess came to life in 2003 after John and Pauly, (ex Alcotomic & Magneto) found talented like-minded musos Ryan and Sensy to put flesh on the bones of John's songwriting savvy. The songs themselves are a classic blend of sparkling pop melodies, intelligent harmonies and crunchy rock guitar. There's a sensitive side to the playfulness, and a contemporary, street-smart edge to the artfulness. It's this musical counterpointing, and the bands amiable personality, that has quickly brought them to the attention of audiences and music industry figures alike. The EP includes collaborations with a number of Melbourne's pop underground royalty (including Danny McDonald and Holocene). Lazy Susan: Long Lost album $14usa Lazy Susan's music suggests it's members, singer/guitarist, Paul Andrews, lead guitarist, Pete Wilson, bass player, Duncan Young and drummer, Mike Wilcox, have spent a lifetime listening and developing their musical roots at the foot of a stereo playing the likes of Elvis Costello, Paul Weller, The Sunnyboys, Todd Rundgren, Bob Dylan, Aimee Mann and Squeeze's Difford and Tilbrook. Never Better shows a band that has grown in leaps and bounds in the past two-and-a-half years, both in songwriting and in performance. The material is more downbeat and reflective than the unbridled enthusiasm which characterised the majority of the songs on the first album, but the pop hooks remain in force. Never Better's production is also richer and fuller than Long Lost, with the addition of strings and brass on several tracks. Shifter: Waking Up Late $14usa Shifter are under the influence of.Silversun, Teenage Fanclub, The Beach Boys, Alcohol, Fountains of Wayne, Supergrass, The Beatles, Big Star and Weezer. This is one of the best Australian Pop albums around! Sneeze: Just Like The Blues Sped Up album $14usa Yum Yums: Singles & Stuff CD $12usa thats all for now! next update will include details of 2-3 new releases on the label Scotty www.popboomerang.com