I live in Kansas City, but I didn't grow up here, so I've discovered some of the area's older power-pop acts after the fact (Fools Face, for example). A friend turned me on to some of Gary Charlson's stuff on Titan Records. I've looked for information on the Web but never turned up too much. I still don't know a whole lot about him, and I've wondered what became of him since the early '80s. The other day I was out shopping and found a couple of curious CDs. One is a CD credited to Marty Wall and Gary Charlson, titled "Ed's Dainty Corsages" after one of the better business signs in town. The copyright date is 2000. The second is a CD credited to Gary Charlson alone, titled "One for the Girl." The copyright date is 2003. I bought both. They're technically CD-Rs, but they came with cover art in shrinkwrap. Both CDs are more in a coffeehouse style, not really power pop. It's not folk, though. The Charlson solo CD is melodic, spare soft pop, and the Wall/Charlson CD is mostly a little twangier (there's about a 50/50 split on songs and vocals). I don't think they're too bad, but they're not really my thing. But bigger fans of Charlson and those into softer pop might be more interested. So: 1. If anyone has some info to pass on about Gary Charlson's older work, or just wants to reminisce, I'd like to read it. Like I said, I don't know a whole lot about him. 2. If anyone's interested in getting either of these CDs, I can provide some more information. Thanks, Randy