AT Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 16:31:17 Bryan wrote: >Artist royalties are usually paid bi-yearly, so he should have >received at least two statements, every six months each year... >between 1974 and 1997 The key words here are "should have". I deal with a lot of artists in Bill Nelson's age group and career cycle. This scenerio happens/happened/is happening all the time. You're right, Nelson should have been on top of this sooner. But, I know too many guys who have never, and will never, make a dime from their legacy because of bad label/management/band shenanigans particularly lack of accounting. Our act The Killer Dwarfs have never received a statement for the 4 albums they released on Epic Records. They are unrecouped, but they are still legally owed documents bi-annually showing the deficit and any accrued revenues from re-issues and what have you. I've actually gone to bat for some of my acts to help them sort out these matters....but the cost, like in Nelson's case, is prohibitive. The story that EMI gave about BeBop Deluxe Ltd's bankruptcy giving them no accountability is a load of horseshit as well unless there was a provision in the original deal stating that failure to function as a band or a corporate entity forfeited the rights. If that deal was signed, managers and lawyers should have been drawn and quartered. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia