> audities-owner@smoe.org writes: > > < Stereophonics in a favourable tone>> From: > Hey, I thought their first album was a gem, and the second even had some > moments, though everything since then has been poop, really. But I think I > might've been sleeping--why is it that people hate them so? --Jason Dunno. I can't say that every song fills the bill here or that this last disc is my favorite (I personally like "Word Gets Around")...but more often than not, I enjoy what they do. I saw them in Denver in March...opening for Howie Day. Talk about a spectacle. The venue was fairly crowded, with the majority of the attendees being boppy/under 21 types who I'm guessing had never seen a rock band perform other than N'Sync... Anyway, I've seen a lot of rock shows in my 45 years on the planet...and this was certainly a rock show. The mixing sucked, and it took about 1/2 of the set for things to come around...probably (I'm guessing here because I know nothing about such things) because the soundman/mixing board was stage right and smack dab up against the stage (?) instead of mid-venue in the middle. Definitely a first for me. I'm guessing it was done that way because they had more than 1/2 of the venue roped off for the under 21 crowd so they could still sell the swill to the people who talk through shows instead of listening to the music. Sober as hell and high only on anticipation, I thought it was a great set (albeit too short)....with songs representing the older material and the new album equally mixed in together. Well worth the 2 hour drive for me. My son (14) went along...and he was duly impressed...especially with the last number "Help Me" which spilled into an extended jam that would have brought the house down if most of the attendees near us had ever listened to anything remotely resembling rock n roll. Instead, the girl in front of us looked bored, and the girl behind us yelled "We want HOWWWWIIIEEEEE...we want HOWWWWIIEEE through most of the song (it was then and only then that I missed having a full beer in my hand...). After an extended wait...Howie came on. He/his band were OK...much better than his bland album that kinda just lies there limply...but nothing to get excited about (OK, at least not for an old fart like me). We made it through 2 songs...one of which was...um...damn...the only song radio ever plays by him that is *so* memorable I can't remember the title right now....(Ok...I just dug to the bottom of the pile and it's "Perfect Time of Day") By the third tune...we were being over-ran by short squealy girls and we left for our own safety... My take on folks hating the 'phonics is that they're the same ones who hated Oasis and badmouthed them...and since Oasis isn't around much anymore to put down...well...you get the picture... Of course, they could just suck and Howie is da shit. Yeah, that must be it... Pat