I know there has been some discussion lately about some of the great Spanish power pop bands new releases (i.e. Bronco Bullfrog - "Oak Apple Day" and The Happy Losers - "Bubbles" both of which are very fine releases and enjoyable listens and I would recommend them also. But..there are three other recent releases from Spain, that I would highly recommend, and which I have not seen mentioned yet. 1) The Shannons -"Scripts and Stories" - gentle, beautiful vocals and great rickenbacker guitars make this a real highlight of a debut for me. Fans of The Byrds (Gene Clark in particular), Everly Brothers, and soft pop fans in general should love this. Vocals and melodies also remind me of Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul & Mary). Rock Indiana has a sample mp3 of "goodbye" available on their site which you can checkout. http://www.rockindiana.biz/shannons/index.html 2) The Zinedines - "Take Me Take Me" - great follow-up to "I'm Gonna Rise" and "Diggin' Everything" from a few years ago, both equally fine eps. Nice to have a full length release. Lots of classic 60's influences are present and even some later era groups like Merrymakers come to mind as I listen to this one. Some of the best 60's psych pop influences around, equal to the fine Rainbow Quartz releases, I feel. There is a sample sound byte of "Over You" available at the following site: http://www.grabacionesenelmar.com/nuevo/grupo.php?IdNoticia=59&IdGrupo=17 3) Carrots - "All It Takes Is A Little Confidence" - I personally loved their 2002 release "Sunshine" so when I saw this new one I dove in head first to get it. It follows a similar vein in some ways as the Zinedines release, there are a myriad of classic 60's psych/pop influences. I hear some a little more varied influences this time around - a sign of maturing I feel. "Revolver" era Beatles, and Rockfour (Rainbow Quartz catalog) influences are present and fans of this music should enjoy. Great childlike vocals (think Curt Boettcher/Millennium) in some ways. sound byte of "One, True, Three, Love" is available here: http://www.grabacionesenelmar.com/nuevo/grupo.php?IdGrupo=5 &IdNoticia=42 I am enjoying them all immensely, and feel many list members will also. Jeremy at Jam Records carries them all, and I am sure Bruce at Notlame has them also or can get them. Take Care, Keith Cook