POpDude/John Borack sed: > dunno David...to me, it sounds more like a cross between Sam & Dave, G.G. > Allin and, of course, Shoes. Bronco Bullfrog's influences range from the > Beatles to the Rutles, with even a little bit of Vinyl Kings (can we mention > them > here?) thrown in. > > You might say that it sounds like Phil Collins dancing naked on top of Aimee > Mann's fur coat while Jennifer Lopez plays five-card stud with Bob Segarini's > Uncle Albert. > > To sum up, OAK APPLE DAY has more hooks than Sugar Ray Robinson' s tackle > box. In a perfect world, this would be extremely highly recommended! Okay, maybe I m issed it elsewhere, but someone's got to say it: Isn't it just great to see the wondrous exchanges of John M. Borack back on the A-list?! Oh, Happy Day for us old listers! ;-P Now, Jordan Oakes and John Borack together again? A feast of wit to behold right up there with a reunion of, well say, Reunion("Life Is A Rock"), Gallery("it's so nice to be with you") or Starland Vocal Band(can't bring myself to type the song, it may hurt too much). Bruce @ Not Lame