I don't know wbout the Alex Chilton thing...but I've heard that all of their concerts are about 4 hours long.... oh my freakin god...I just about peed myself...I thought there was actually some band called Viagra Levitra Cialas ya'll were touting. Why? I'd only ever heard of Viagra, and apparently don't get on the same spam lists, so I was thinking like, Diamande Galas(sp?...doen't matter). I actually googled "them" and then laughed my ass off when I realised what it was...then I got all the jokes. I am officially gullible. ya got me...LOL. btw...Alex did work with that Viagra guy on an album called "Hey, My Penis Is Rock Hard -Again". Get it? later, joe www.jtgimplosion.com www.kingfriday.com