The June 2004 page is up. This month we have the following record reviews: Mike Bennett presents full length reviews of the new Wilco album, the first album in over three decades from The Zombies, former dB Chris Stamey, Poor Luther’s Bones, Reigning Sound and The Delays. Mike also has capsule reviews of new music from The Contrast, Stratocruiser, The Well Wishers, The Shimshaws, The Lackloves, The Cucumbers, Roy Loney & the Longshots, The Breakup Society, My Record Player, Tamas Wells, Starflyer 59 and the latest compilation from Australia’s Popboomerang label. Gary Glauber reviews the latest from Chris Stamey, Cliff Hillis, Butterfly Boucher, Greg Johnson, Johnny A., The Argument and Not Lame’s Teenage Fanclub tribute album. Fufkin welcomes Michael Allen Potter, who reviews the newest from William Hut. Shona Winfrey reviews the new album from timewellspent. Kurt Sampsel reviews reissues from The Matador, T. Swift & the Electric Bag and Rhino’s new Hallucinations: Psychedelic Pop Nuggets From The WEA Vaults. Michael Lynch reviews a reissue from The Bruthers and David Fufkin reviews a new album from Eliot Wilder. Gene Krupa, Max Roach, and Buddy Rich were all great drummers. But Elvin Jones may have been the best of all time. Mr. Jones passed away last month, and pays the legend a deserved tribute. Marah’s hotly anticipated new album is due out at the end of June. David Fufkin chatted with Marah’s Serge Bielkanko about the record, the band’s highly praised live show and influences. Mike Bennett takes a look at the question, how important are rock lyrics anyway? Jon Bard investigates some of the obscure greats of soul music, in a piece that should make many shopping lists a few entries longer. Kevin Mathews is hooked on his soon-to-be trademarked (that’s a hint, Kevin) Blurb-o-rama, in his latest installment of So Much Music...So Little Time. Kevin blurbs about, inter alia, the latest from Todd Rundgren, The Eternals, The Strawmen, Edward Rogers, Deniz (Radio Birdman) Tek and Scott Morgan, Dipsomaniacs, Remake Remodel, Face Down Records’ Who tribute and many more. Eric Sorenson’s Further Observations of a Jangly Music Fan also looks at The Strawmen, along with Eric’s informed take on Cliff Hillis, the Tommy Keene outtakes record, The Porcupines, The Delays, Wilson Phillips and other albums and tracks that have caught his ear. Alan Haber has spent the last two months on his soapbox, writing about censorship. This month, Haber’s column is decidedly more personal. I won’t say much more, other than it’s a great piece, and well worth reading. Robin Stanley has a new record just out and Gary Pig Gold catches up with him and lobs eight questions at him. We hope you all come and visit us. Record reviews and more at _________________________________________________________________ Looking to buy a house? Get informed with the Home Buying Guide from MSN House & Home.