--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, Popdude@a... wrote: > True, the Cars' sound was most definitely unique. Speaking of Ocasek and > Co., is anyone else familiar with Ian Lloyd's amazing version of an Ocasek tune > called "Slip Away?" The Cars' demo version appears on the Rhino two-disc set > from a few years back, but Lloyd's (the former lead singer of Stories) 1979 > version is definitive. It was also produced by Ocasek and he and Ben Orr play > and sing on it. One of my favorite tunes from the era... Yeah, that's a great version of the tune! Ian Lloyd had a great voice, which was even more effective on Stories ballads. In my opinion, Lloyd was by far the best vocalist ever associated with Michael Brown. In 1979 I frequented a club called Maximus, which was based in my hometown at the time of New City, New York. The DJ there, Chipper McKernan, was really hooked in to some cool music that nobody else was playing, and it was through him that I learned about "Slip Away" as well as bands like New Musik, The Rubettes, and too many others for me to recall on a Sunday morning. I used to really enjoy going on record runs with Chipper, as on the way to the record stores we'd stop at his distributor's wearhouse, where he'd pick up new releases 4 days before they would be released...and, of course, so would I! Man, did I feel like an important person! Sadly, a couple of years later Maximus went out of business when New York State raised the drinking age from 18-21, effectively removing about 1/3 of their clientele. -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David