continuing with the borders theme... there was a time when Peter Holsapple and I shared the same job title at our respective Borders stores, I believe he was/is in New Orleans. (at that time, it was still fun to work there and the health insurance was great). this was a few years ago... and my music retail jaunts: The Wall (former site of Sound Odyssey, a legend in itself where I used to buy my 45s as a kid) in the Shore Mall in southern NJ May 1995 (just after college grad.) until they shut our location down and made us go to other stores in the chain, so my last day was christmas eve 1996 unemployed from Jan 1997 until June 1997 Borders NJ July 1997-Dec 2001 Borders DC Jan 2002-Feb 2003 lauree -been working since I was 12, according to those social security statements they send us __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.