In a message dated 6/1/2004 8:00:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Mark Eichelberger" writes: >True music fans in Philadelphia talk lovingly about this store even though >it has been closed for more than 7 years.  Everything that can be said about >the downstairs room has already been said and I visited it as often as I >could (or could afford). \\ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nice to see I hadn't romanticized about that store, as one is wont to do thru the mists of time.....since Memory Lane is well trodden at this point, there also used to be some cool little places on South Street in Philly too back in the early to mid '80s..........on later years I went back with my girlfriend one time and she wouldn't even get out of the car as it was quite different from those older days!!!!! jim