----- Original Message ----- From: "brynneandscott" > Don't know if anyone here is familiar with Japanese Pop or something else in a fun, > ecletic mode-think Gruppo Sportivo goes Japan. Fakevox, by Plus-tech Squeezebox, is one of my favourite albums of the last few years. "Eclectic" hardly does it justice. Then, on the more mellow side, there's the genius that is Cornelius. "Point" is a marvellous album, though it does get a little bit jazzy at times. Cornelius also produced "Fun 9" by Takako Minekawa. If you try nothing else by Takako, do listen to Fantastic Voyage. Inspired tune-thievery in there. But you really must have a go at Plus-tech Squeezebox. It's a beautifully crafted record. If you like it, seek out Fantastic Plastic Machine as well. Hope you find something there that you like. Matt.