At 11:54 PM 5/31/2004 -0400, Jaimie Vernon wrote: >I used to look forward to spending an entire day at Peter Dunn's Vinyl >Museum on Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto and wouldn't even get halfway through >the alphabet looking at all the LPs in stock. The Yonge Street store (just >north of Sam The Record Man) was also a 'pack a meal' excursion as well >where they had nearly 10,000 7" singles at one time. > >Sigh! Wow, so I never even made it into the BIG Peter Dunn stores! I only ever shopped at the relatively small one in the Annex, on Bloor about two blocks off of Bathurst. I think there was a Morning Glory store next door. Even that one was filled with bizarre treasures: the year that they closed, I bought a big stack of 50s-vintage 7" EPs on the Russian state label Melodiya of Lithuanian and Ukrainian folk music. And you gotta love any store that slips random Xeroxed Bible pages into the bag with your records. Not even like pages of the Psalms or anything, I once got a page that was just a random page from Leviticus telling me when to plant my crops! S NP: WHEN THE CLOWN'S WORK IS OVER -- The Ray Mason Band (another Bullmoose find, a great 2000 album by my western Massachusetts non-relative that I'd never seen before -- opening track "Harold's Been Feeling Down" is one of his very best. for details, especially if you're a Walter Clevenger fan.)