I worked at indie Atomic Records in Milwaukee for awhile after working at the more chain-store-ish Face The Music in LaCrosse, WI. Face The Music was a blast. We opened the new store and had a group of friends working there. The musical taste of some of the other people that I didn't know before then has stuck with me. One co-worker (Howard) was an education in Jazz and the manager (John) gave me a slighter appreciation for World Beat stuff (around the time of Paul Simon's "Graceland"). Atomic was more like "High Fidelity". I got a bit of shit from co-workers about my poppier leanings (around the time of Mathew Sweet's "Girlfriend" & TFC "Bandwagonesqe"), but for the most part I helped round out the staff. In a classic "High Fidelity" moment, every time I played Tom Verlaine's "Warm & Cool," I'd sell a copy. Dan FrankE PS. I loved Wazoo. I used to go there from LaCrosse & a few time in their final days when I was living in Milwaukee. My first real album (that wasn't a hand-me-down) was from Wazoo - Sweet's "Desolation Blvd" that my brother brought back for me from college when I was in 5th or 6th grade. > Yet, another thread perhaps... > > I'm assuming many people have worked at record stores on this list. I > say that per it was always a job I REALLY coveted and still have very > fond memories of having worked at one. > > Me: Wazoo Records, Madison, WI (1984-85). > > Anyone care to come forward? ****************************CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT*********************** E-MAIL AND/OR ITS ATTACHMENT(S) IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT MAY BE CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY AND PRIVILEGED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THIS E-MAIL, OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING IT TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, DISSEMINATION OR COPYING OF THE CONTENT OF THIS E-MAIL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE SENDER AND DELETE THIS E-MAIL FROM YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM.