Chiming in to praise 2 mom & pop stores in Atlanta. Thought they are only 100 yards away from each other Criminal Records and Wax and Facts are the only places in Atlanta to get decent priced obscuro-pop. There are some outside the perimeter like Eat More Records that have an entire power-pop section with all our faves, but I'm talking Atlanta proper. The people are helfpful in both, but Wax and Facts has tailored help. Shawn helps me with my new power-pop faves and Tony helps with the 60's Nuggetts/Pebbles...ummmm, dust-type stuff.(bought The Smoke's "best of" yesterday for $14.99 and the the Easybeats "best of" for $13.99), They have a good sized vinyl, but I'm sure it wouldn't come close to any of the stores that have come up in discussion. The deal with the huge chains is that they usually cannot help, unless it is in their computer. For example: I saw a kid at a Borders try desperately help a man in over-alls and a drawl as thick as his abdomen figure out a song by a band with a weird name from Australia singing about a burning bed. I bit my tongue the whole time. The older man left and I asked the kid to tell me more than I'd overheard and I told him who and what it was. He looked at me blankly and said, "Midnight Oil"?, That'd be in the M's, right?" Anyway... I pick through any store for gems, but I'd much rather browse in a store that has help who has heard of most of the music I've heard, and then some. later, joe