OK....I'll play. I grew up in Kansas City...and radio was THE salvation for the neighborhood. WHB (Home of the "*W*orld's *H*appiest *B*roadcasters) played the Top 40...and I was constantly listening/taking in whatever I could. I was 6 when the Beatles hit the US in full force, and all of the older girls in the neighborhood carried their 45's around and read their Teen (or was it Tiger?) Beat magazines incessantly. I remember one girl who used to babysit my brother and I who had stacks of 45's (spoiled only child syndrome) and piece after piece of Beatles memorabilia. She loved the Beatles and hated the Stones, and I remember seeing that she had Mick's picture taped on the dartboard in the basement. Fav songs...age 6-10 I Want To Hold Your Hand No Reply Misery Day Tripper Penny Lane (OK...insert ANY Beatles here) Mony, Mony California Dreamin' I Saw Her Again Kicks Just Like Me Pleasant Valley Sunday She Time of the Season Tell Her No House of the Rising Sun Smile a Little Smile For Me (Rosemarie) One Easy To Be Hard Crystal Blue Persuasion (those opening bongos and guitar still send a shiver up my spine) Crimson and Clover and scads more I can't remember through the fog. So many great tunes...and such variety. Radio *didn't* SUCK back then.... However, I do remember the day my brother/friends were in the garage building a go-kart when "Whole Lotta Love" came blasting out of the radio. When that raw Page guitar solo hit...we were all looking at each other in total amazement. One of the older guys went home and brought back the first Zep with "Communication Breakdown" on it and we played it about 10 times that afternoon. I also remember laying on my friends trampoline looking up at the sky while on vacation in Denver/Golden CO on a warm summer evening in July '69....and about the time the parents were commenting that Armstrong was walking on the moon...Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride" came over the radio. I had yet to take any drugs at that point in my life...but that song combined with the thought of people on the moon gave us all a rush that still gives me goosebumps when I think about it. I also remember hearing "Space Oddity" that night...my first exposure to Bowie. From there... Fresh Air-Quicksilver (another awesome guitar solo) Baby Blue No Matter What Mercy, Mercy Me What's Goin' On? (these two songs continue to give me goosebumps and make me wonder how Marvin would feel today about this planet/war/etc. FWIW, they are as relevant today for me as they were then.) Imagine (ditto the above statement) Then I started "smokin and trippin' is all that you'll do"...and damn...it's all a fun blur from there! Yup...great thread....and a *great* (musical) time period to grow up in... Pat