Hey! I'll make this quick and condensed! Back in August 1980 when I was 15 years old I had this older female friend (she was about 30 at the time - yeah, OLD! - I wish that I was 30 again). Anyway, she was a Beatle FANATIC....I mean outta control NUT! She asked me (with my mother's permission - she was a friend of mom's too) if I could accompany her to NYC to try and meet John Lennon near the Dakota Building. We were gonna wait as long as we could near the building to see if he would come out. She knew that he was in town. Well, we got to Grand Central Station and took a subway to Central Park/Dakota. We were not even down there 2 hours when we see a big, black, shiny limo pull up to the curb....and out strolls John and Yoko. My friend Ann walks up to them and asks them to autograph some lp sleeves. I was so dumbfounded and paralyzied with fear and awe that I could hardly move. I finally walked up to John and I was shocked to see how thin he was and how many freckles he had on his face and how reddish his hair looked in the hot August sunshine. He was dressed in a suit and tie. Yoko was very friendly but firm. John shook my hand and signed my copy of "Walls & Bridges" (which of course I still have framed) and before you knew it they were whisked away. Needless to say I walked around on a cloud of disbelief for the next month. Ann snapped two quick pictures which I have but they aren't scanned. How bout that for a *true* story!!!! MB