I got to do a lot of interviews from 1985 to 1988 (and a lesser number through about 1995 or so). Among the nicest folks I met were Mojo Nixon, Stan Ridgway, Ron Mael and Russell Mael (my first live on-air interview--they hijacked it and turned it into a 90-minute call-in show. Truly hilarious), and Mike Watt. There was one show Firehose played at the grimy little San Jose club Marsugi's in 1990 or so; I was rather depressed that day, as all my friends were at SXSW or some such and I was the only one among them who had to remain in town. I walked into the crowded club when the band had just started; after they finished their first song, Watt pointed at me and yelled, "Hey! Hi! Guy with the tie!" which was my radio nickname at the time. That made my whole night. --Chris Bucholtz