Hah man, that's awesome. I feel like forwarding that to everyone I know ;) Jake Beamer Producer, project manager OverlookedCreations.com > >Discussion last night with my somewhat gullible fiance: > >Her: "Did you hear that Paul McCartney said that 'Lucy in the Sky with >Diamonds' and 'Got to Get You Into My Life' were about drugs?" > >Me (as pompously as possible): "Oh, yeah. Common knowledge. A lot of other >Beatles songs were about drugs, too." > >Her: "Really? Like what?" > >Me: "'Paperback Writer' -- peyote." > >Her: "Really?" > >Me: "'Rocky Raccoon' -- airplane glue." > >Her: "Well, that song--" > >Me: "'Golden Slumbers' -- ecstacy." > >Her: "Uh...." > >Me: "'Here Comes the Sun' -- minoxodil." > >Her: "Hmmm..." > >Me: "'Fixing a Hole' -- viagra." > >Her: "Shut up!" > >--Chris Bucholtz _________________________________________________________________ Check out the coupons and bargains on MSN Offers! http://youroffers.msn.com