Quoting Miguel Motta : has any auditeer had an autograph encounter with a > "star" and actually been able to exchange a few words? BRIAN WILSON - At the Three Rivers Jam in Pittsburgh. We talked about instruments on Pet Sounds until Mike Love came and took him away... CARL WILSON - Kinda grumpy at Three Rivers - I think he was in the middle of a divorce at the time - much nicer a few yars later on his solo tour at the Agora in Cleveland. We talked about...soul music! BRUCE JOHNSON - An asshole...and I told him so! TODD RUNDGREN - Started to talk about recording, but annoying chick screaming at him about free tickets wrapped up the conversation... LOU CHRISTIE - Talked for over an hour - great guy! NICK LOWE - A few minutes, nice guy, again shouted down by oddball groupie chick... TOMMY JAMES - Didn't go too well - almost no one showed up at a CD release party, and he wasn't real happy... JOEY RAMONE - One of the nicest "stars" I ever met. Talked to you like he was a long lost buddy. Met him twice, talked both times for half hour/45 minutes. NON PERFORMING STARS (at least in my book...) BILL INGLOT - Talked about Motown EQ and whale oil in recording tape. NICK CENSI - Label owner/Producer of Lou Christie, Vogues, etc. Met him while trying to get some friends of mine on a label he was starting. I made some suggestions about a mix, and he loved them. Got me interested in record production and engineering...