> > Here are some of my favorite record shops from throughout my record buying > > history, in chronological rather than ranked order (the chronology often is > > reflected by when I would frequent the shop, not necessarily when it went > > into-or out of-business): David, you slay me! You probably have a Top Twenty List...of lists! Chiming in here too - logged my wonder years at Record Theatre (Syracuse University - on "the beach" as Mssrs Bash and Cafarelli can attest) with Randy Potter - the Mayor Of Marshall Street - phantom Mike Dipboye (like D-Day from Animal House, he's "whereabouts unknown"), Roger Williams and a cast of thousands. I remember my job interview to this day - walking around the store, "put that artist's records in chronological order", "file these ten records correctly"...a Creem/Rolling Stone reader's wet dream. Ceiling tiles hiding contraband and forbidden playlist exceptions. Then to Gerber Music, where all Syracuse musicians worked or shopped (stole)...too many great stories to type. Flashcube Tommy Allen lighting firecrackers off IN THE STORE...drunk owner taking cash out of the till to play golf and then yelling at us when the register didn't balance...becoming the import buyer by default just in time for punk rock singles (actually this started at RT)...only left to run a rock club...which has even better stories. Still close to several of my co-workers to this day, and we all should be dead ten times over....oops, that's even MORE stories. :) Perhaps the next time I get to an extended Audities-event, we'll set aside a night in my hotel room for just such a roundtable...judging by the comments here, I'll bet we all have had great High Fidelity moments. b