Ah, yes Tim, you recommend The Lackloves new one? Now, wouldn't that would be the other CD I received in the package that also contained the Winnerys album :-) Great minds think alike mate! And yes I am enjoying it too (but not quite as much as the Winnerys) I have been in a bit of a CD buying frenzy lately - latest pair to hit the doormat were "Power This" by the Jellybricks and "Hi-Tech Lowlife" by the Davenports. The Jellybricks one is tres cool (sounds very like Matthew Sweet's singing to these old ears), but the Davenports album is pure genius. Scott Klass' songs remind me of the sort of convoluted melodies Brian Wilson was coming out with in the Smile years (like Cabinessence, Wonderful etc) but with the production updated so they sound contemporary. Fantastic stuff. B^)