AMEN, Joe. I agree with you. And, we all have such different tastes, too. So, whose to say who is right and who is wrong. As far as I'm concerned, there is no right or wrong. That's why this kind of discussion always winds up in arguments because everyone thinks so differently. What you like, I might not like, etc.. I bet there are only a handful of performers that still sound as good as they did in their prime. My brother just saw Richie Furay formerly of Poco and the Buffalo Springfield and he said he is every bit as good now as he was back in the early '70s. That's a rarity, I would think. HeyJude (Judy) for the best in obscure '50s and '60s music ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Field" To: Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 3:33 PM Subject: Re: need suggestions > > Sam Smith wrote: > > > I'd actually lobby in favor of Wings' BAND ON THE RUN, which I thought > > was a great record. After that, though, it went to hell in a hurry. > > > I've found there's something to like on pretty much every Macca pop > record (for instance, I love "Let 'Em In" and most everything on "Wings > at the Speed of Sound"--and I like chunks of his most recent work, too). > Yes, the quantity of quality is less than what it was 35-40 years ago, > but who can be expected to keep up a run like that into their fifth > decade of recording music? > > For the most part, the stars in any field make their marks in much more > concentrated periods than 40 years. It's just a bit unfair to say that > the quality in the work of a 60-something isn't quite what it was when > he was 25 or 30. > > Joe Field > > >