At Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 13:07:49 Billy wrote: >Great! I wonder why it too so long for a follow up? Anyone Know? READER'S DIGEST VERSION: Tal was embroiled in management battles DURING the "She's So High" success...which is why the follow-up single was buried so quickly making Tal, effectively, a one-hit wonder. Upon securing new management he was at odds with them about the direction of the next record despite submitting dozens of demos to Columbia which they were excited about. But, management balked at moving forward, instead, attempting to renegotiate the original deal. Columbia held firm. Management dragged knuckles. Tal grew impatient. Management deal eventually expired. Columbia moved on. Tal had to look for new deal(s). There is a lot more to the story which I'm not really at liberty to discuss. Needless to say, Tal's back in action and has done really well with the new song "Aeroplane" in the last 4 months...something that no doubt helped him secure the Sextent deal. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia