Hey all, Just a note to direct interested parties to the new Metrojets video. For those not in the know, Metrojets are a Swedish powerpop suipergroup of sorts, featuring Beagle and Brainpool frontmen Magnus Borjeson and David Birde respectively. Their debut single ³The Morning Show² is the theme tune to a hugely successful Swedish sitcom of the same name and is quite possibly the sweetest nugget of power pop you will hear all Summer. You can see the video here: http://www.metrojets.com/ Those interested in buying the CD single can get one from me for $5. It is backed with a great track called ³The Midas Touch². No plans for an album just yet but watch this space. While Iım on the subject of Brainpool, their epic new rock opera "Junk" will be out in late August. The show itself will premiere in Malmo, Sweden, on August 19th outdoors at the cityıs main square in a spectacular event featuring the Malmo Symphony Orchestra plus a variety of guest artists. It will be part of Malmoıs Summer jubilee festival and promises to be quite the event. Those of us in North America will have to make do with the CD which is an epic sprawling work, reminiscent in places of Pink Floyd, The Who, Supertramp and others. A rock opera in the true sense of the word! With honest intent to get yıall into more good music, Luke