At 05:25 PM 5/17/2004 -0700, AssociationWorks wrote: >Prince? Madonna? Cyndi Lauper? The Boss? That was all (and > >still is) a bunch of shite as far as I was concerned. Here are > >TEN REASONS '84 was a good year for me... > >THE SMITHS - Meat Is Murder Impressive that this album made such an impression on you in 1984, since it came out in late spring 1985... But if you're looking to flaunt indier-than-thou cred, you might also mention: KNIFE -- Aztec Camera A WALK ACROSS THE ROOFTOPS -- The Blue Nile WORKING WITH FIRE AND STEEL -- China Crisis TREASURE -- Cocteau Twins RATTLESNAKES -- Lloyd Cole and the Commotions EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL -- Everything But the Girl WALKING IN THE SHADOW OF THE BIG MAN -- Guadalcanal Diary ZEN ARCADE -- Husker Du DOUBLE NICKELS ON THE DIME -- Minutemen HATFUL OF HOLLOW -- The Smiths ...all of which were kicking my ass as much or more than Prince, Madonna or Cyndi in 1984. But, shockingly, popular records can be good too. S NP: UP AGAINST THE LEGENDS