Billy >VH-1 should have called the show more accurately "The 50 most annoying >songs of >the Video Era". Nothing from 1983 back, and too many easy pot-shots. To >thier >credit they left junk like the "Macarena" and "Who Let the Dogs Out" off. > You're absolutely right. I realize now that they did not use the same fifty songs people said were on the original Blender list like "Ob-lad-di Ob-la-da" and "The End" which don't have videos. In fact a lot of the comments seem to reference the videos more than the songs. And you're right also about the talking heads on this show being real Z-list "celebrities." And in general, I think, the formula is better when it's something like "I love the '70's" rather than "I hate these songs." The topics are so ridiculous in the first place that if you start with a negative bent it becomes unbearably smug. _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now!