Saw 'em at IPO Chicago earlier this month. They were great -- they almost stole the show from Myracle Brah on a really solid Rainbow Quartz night. When David Bash stood up and said, "Here's guys from that great rock and roll town of Madrid," I moaned a little bit inside, expecting the worst. Then I heard the 1965 Beatles. Nice guys, too -- they seemed genuinely surprised at the reception they received. As long as we're on the topic of Rainbow Quartz recordings, you could do worse than The Lackloves' new album. I don't think they came off as well as Myracle Brah and The Winnerys live (one of the guys mid-set jokingly said, "I'd like to thank whoever put us on after Myracle Brah), but if you're looking for that early Beatles poppy feel, The Lackloves do it on disc better than anyone I've heard in a couple of years. >Anyone heard this Spanish band? I recently picked up there CD "And ..... the Winnerys" (great title by the way), and they are almost more Rutley than the Rutles. If you liked The Rutles as much for the music as for the humour, then I think you'd like this one big time.<; "Is everything by Led Zeppelin this masturbatory?" -- a friend, hearing a Led Zeppelin song at an open-mike night