I had the pleasure of seeing Wilco last night in a small bar (400 capacity). They were doing a warm up show for the upcoming European tour. I know that Wilco is one of the bands that divides the list....33% hate them, 33% don't care, 33% love them. I'm one of the remaining 1% that bounces between all three categories. Tweedy is back from rehab, seemingly in good spirits. They played 95% of the new album and the songs sounded much more direct than the recorded versions. The band was tight, and the 2 new members flesh the sound out well. 2 hours of music, with Tweedy ending the night with a moving rendition of The Lonely 1. A Ghost is Born is due to be released in about a month, I believe. Thanks to the internet, almost the entire crowd knew every song. If you thought YHF was a classic, you'll like this. If you thought it was a pretentious bore, the new CD is unlikely to change your mind about the band. Some piano-driven pop songs, some songs that channel Neil Young, and at least one bona-fide Wilco classic (Handshake Drugs). I don't think Wilco are the saviors of American rock n roll, but seeing them in such an intimate setting was a damn fine treat. greg np...Cliff Hillis - Better Living (also a damn fine treat)