Well from a price perspective, I can't complain, as Best Buy was running a day of release special price of $11.99 for this limited edition version. In fact, I did not even see a standard jewel case version being sold. Another minor pet peeve is that the gatefold sleeve, like Pearl Jam's Vitalogy, is about 5.5'' x 5.5'' and thus, will not fit in a standard CD Case holder. I did not notice the size difference when I picked it up. But like you, I am lovin this CD. I wish he was touring by himself and not in Lollapalooza this summer. Does anyone know if there are plans for him to tour again in the fall/winter? ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:08 PM Subject: Re: New Morrissey > >Complaint 2 is that I bought the "limited edition" gatefold sleeve. > >While it does look cool from the outside, when you open up the > >sleeve, you see....nothing. No pictures, no text, just a plain yellow > >background (WTF??) Has anyone else noticed that the graphics on > >Morrissey releases are quite minimal? Usually there is only 1 > >picture that is repeated throughout the packaging. For this release, > >the shot of Morrissey holding the old style machine gun is repeated > >on the cover, the front of the lyric sheet and the back of the lyric > >sheet (in poster form). What, they couldn't take another picture?? > > Unfortunately, I don't think anyone thought about the utilization of space with the gatefold sleeve. I think it was much more one of those situations where some suit said, "Hey, the Morrissey fans will buy anything, so let's put together a special 'limited edition' and fleece 'em for a few extra bucks!" I say this as someone who fell for it, you understand. > > >Other than those 2 complaints, I love this album. Anyone else have > >any opinions on it? > > I'm definitely diggin' it. Particularly "Irish Blood, English Heart" and "The First of the Gang to Die" ("You have never been in love/ Until you've seen sunlight thrown / Over smashed human bone"), but also "Come Back To Camden" and "The World Is Full of Crashing Bores." MIA, however, is "Don't Make Fun Of Daddy's Voice," which Mozzer is playing live right now and is great. Maybe on a future B-side. > > >