Sorry in advance for this long post. OK, I given the new Morrissey CD "You Are The Quarry" a thorough spin this morning and even though I am a big fan, I was a little hesitant about this album, particularly since it has been 7 years (I think) since we last heard of this man. I figured that living in L.A. and not doing much for that long a time would have taken a bit of the edge of his music. But I am happy to report that he is as full of bile and self loathing as ever! Check out some the lyrics: From "America Is Not The World" "America, your head is too big because your belly is too big, and I love you. I just wish you'd stay where you is." "America, it brought you the hamburger...well America, you know where you can shove your hamburger and don't you wonder why in Estonia, they say, hey you, you big fat pig, you big fat pig." However, I love the way he ends the song with the following plea: "See with your eyes. Touch with your hands, please. Know in your soul, hear through your ears, please...for haven't you me with you now? And I love you, I love you, I love you." OK, we have skewered America, let's go after the homeland. From "Irish Blood, English Heart": "I've been dreaming of a time when English are sick to death of Labour and Tories and spit upon the name of Oliver Cromwell and denounce the royal line that still salute him and will salute him forever". From "I Have Forgiven Jesus": "I have forgiven Jesus for all the love He placed in me when there is no one I can turn to with this love. Monday - humiliation, Tuesday - suffocation, Wednesday - condescension, Thursday - is just pathetic, by Friday - life has killed me" Great stuff, huh? And that is just from the first 3 songs on the CD! The music is quite good too. It is a nice mixture of mid tempo songs and poppy-rockers. His old band, Alain Whyte, Boz Boorer and Gary Day are back and keyboards are supplied by...surprise...Roger Manning. I have 2 complaints with this CD. Complaint 1 is that my version appears to be copy protected. MusicMatch kept informing me that I could not write to a disk folder when attempting to rip tracks to .mp3 format. However, I was able to get around this by making .wav files and then converting those tracks to .mp3 format. Complaint 2 is that I bought the "limited edition" gatefold sleeve. While it does look cool from the outside, when you open up the sleeve, you see....nothing. No pictures, no text, just a plain yellow background (WTF??) Has anyone else noticed that the graphics on Morrissey releases are quite minimal? Usually there is only 1 picture that is repeated throughout the packaging. For this release, the shot of Morrissey holding the old style machine gun is repeated on the cover, the front of the lyric sheet and the back of the lyric sheet (in poster form). What, they couldn't take another picture?? Other than those 2 complaints, I love this album. Anyone else have any opinions on it? Mark E.