At 10:01 PM 5/14/2004 EDT, wrote: > >Wow.. Just got done watching the re-broadcast of last night's Conan on >Comedy Central and the musical guest was a 3 piece jazz combo led >by Jamie Cullum. I havent heard of him before but apparently he >currently has the number one CD on Itunes. > >It reminded me a lot of Ben Folds Five. Not vocally, but just the way >he played piano and the standup bass and drums. I actually just bought this album Friday morning in my weekly crawl through Newbury Comics (the fact that it's only $7.99 there helped) -- although I haven't had time to listen to it yet, the parts I heard on NPR the day before reminded me VERY strongly of the UK's early-'80s jazz-pop scene: Weekend, Carmel, early Everything But the Girl, that sort of thing. S